Saturday, February 21, 2015

La Tour Eiffel

The Eiffel Tower was build by March 31, 1889. The Eiffel Tower was named after Gustave Eiffel, he was an engineer, architect, constructer, and showman. It took about to two years and two months to be build completely. When on the Eiffel Tower you can see as far as thirty-seven miles away. The constructers of the Eiffel Tower were Gustave Eiffel and Cie. The Eiffel Tower is located in Paris, France on the Champ de Mars. The Eiffel Tower is used as an observations tower and a radio broadcasting tower. Stephen Sauvestre was the main architect, there were about fifty other engineers, about one-hundred iron workers and one-hundred-twenty-one construction workers. The Eiffel Tower is made of 15,000pieces of iron, 2.5 million rivets, and forty tons of paint, it is mostly made of iron. The Eiffel Tower is about 984 to 990 feet tall. About 6.8 million people visit The Eiffel Tower every year. The owners of The Eiffel Tower is currently The City of Paris. 

La Cathédrale Notre Dame

The Notre Dame Cathedral is forty-eight meters wide, one-hundred-thirty meters long, and thirty-five meters high, The windows that are rose have a diameter of ten meters, and The Cathedral Pillars have a diameter of five meters. The Notre Dame cathedral is located on the Paris Island called lla de la Cite. The south tower has the thirteen ton Emmanuel Bell. The Cathedral was build during the twelfth and fourteenth centuries, and designed on a Gothic Fashion. The Cathedral of Notre Dame is the official seat of the Archbishop of Paris. It was one of the first buildings to have flying buttresses, and The Cathedral has a number of statues and stained glass windows, it also has one of the world's largest organs, and one of its unique components is its immense church bells.

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