Sunday, February 22, 2015

Les Palais de Versailles

Versailles is both a palace and a castle. When it was constructed, it was talked about all through Europe and imitated. The Treaty of Versailles which officially  ended World War I was signed at Versailles. Versailles is located ten miles southwest of Paris. It has a very big and important halls called the "Hall of Mirrors", or the "Great Hall". It is one of the biggest thing known of Versailles by King Louis XIV 'The Sun King". The hall of Mirrors was originally a terrace but then put into a room to make more safe one o the most important rooms of Versailles. "The Sun King" was fascinated by fountains and one-third of Versailles expenses were of water used by the fountains. Versailles is capable of holding twenty-thousand people, has seven-hundred rooms, over two-thousand windows, one-thousand-two-hundred chimneys, and sixty-seven windows. 

Le Musée D'Orsay

The museum is thirty-teo meters high, and one-hundred-thirty-eight meters long. Its materials were 12,000 tons of metallic structure, 35,000 meters of glass, and 1,600 staff rose casings in the nave. The museum gets more than three-million visitors per year. The museum has twelve elevators, and ten escalators. It was founded in 1986. The architects were Gae Aulenti, Victor Laloux, and Émile Bénard. The museum even has work by Van Gogh. The museum has more that one-hundred artworks in total.

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